Child and Youth Centred Community Development Project in Nampunge and Kyetume villages
This project focuses on three goals which include:
The project is implemented with an overall goal of, “Confident children and youth in a flourishing community.” It has four outcome areas which include
The project set a pace for building capacity of caregivers, children, youth and community-based structures through rganizing them in Self Help Groups (SHGs), youth groups and children clubs which made it easy to enable them to participate in project activities. This also increased their understanding of effectiveness in bringing positive change to these communities and ensured that the development process is assimilated and will spread in the surrounding areas in the long run. There was noticeable improvement in children and youth identification and clear understanding of issues affecting them through their clubs and groups respectively which gradually enhanced their confidence to participate in the community. The projects’ adult engagement also increased stakeholders’ realization of children and youths’ meaningful contribution to the development process which actually led to their (adults’) appreciation of the need to listen and implement some of the children’s ideas. Community people were getting more organized into groups, which contributed to their participation in the CYCC project. The willingness to participate was evident through respective groups i.e., 11 School Management Committees, 4 Child Protection and Safeguarding Committees, 13 Self Help Groups, 8 Youths Groups, 3 Male groups, 7 Children Clubs.
A life saved through LUCOF Maternal Health Program
On Friday 13th august 2021 at around 10pm, heavily pregnant 35- year-old Esther Nakateregga started experiencing contractions that would later lead to the birth of her 8th child, she thought that the birth would be as easy as the first seven. “I have been giving birth to my children from either home or in the hospital. But the process has always been fast yet with no complications. But with the trainings from the community health workers, I had decided to be giving birth from hospital” the mother of eight explains. But unfortunately, she got into labour late in the night and yet the distance from her home to the nearest health facility was long, “I decided to have the child from home with the help of a trained traditional birth attendant.” However, when the baby came out, trouble set in. “The placenta refused to come out (retained placenta) and I was bleeding a lot.” The adults present sent for one of the Operational Leave Healthy Worker, Dr Hamis Lubuulwa. Dr Lubuulwa is the head of LUCOF health programs. He works closely with the LUCOF operational health workers. These health care workers identify health related cases within their communities, coordinate with LUCOF and the nearest health units to ensure that those that need medical attention receive it immediately and also links patients to LUCOF drivers for easy transfer to health facilities. In Esther’s case, when Dr.Lubuulwa reached her home, the mother of eight had already fainted. “Due to the bleeding, by the time we arrived, Esther had fainted but fortunately, I had come with one of our LUCOF drivers, I called the maternity wing of Zirobwe Health centre III to inform them of an emergency case that was being brought in.” At the facility, Esther got help from Dr. Lubuulwa and other medical personnel at the health center and is now back home with her family.
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