human livelihood first

Children Waiting for Sponsors. Give them Hope, become their hero!

After you decide which child you would like to sponsor, please fill in the form below and we will get back to you. Standard sponsorship is £25 a month. This amount covers tuition, uniforms, books, lunch fee, school requirements, and other basic supplies like pens and pencils, geometry set, shoes, cloths, etc. You will also have the opportunity to form a relationship with your child. It’s very important for sponsors write letters to their children and you even have the opportunity to go and visit your sponsored children.

With God’s blessing and your sponsorship, LUCOF Uganda will reach its goal of providing spiritual, physical, educational, and emotional care for every child, ensuring that they grow up with the opportunity to have an impact on their country, first as spiritual leaders, and second, as responsible productive citizens of Uganda.

Write to your child today!

Although it is fun for your sponsored child to receive a letter in your writing with a photo, sometimes it is hard to get time to do that. You can email a quick note to your child here with a word of introduction or encouragement. Please write the child’s first and second name to help us ensure that the letter gets directed to your specific child.

Suggestions of what to write:

  • Remind your sponsored child that they are the future of Uganda, remind them they are a light in the dark.
  • Encourage your child that though there will be obstacles, you are there to support them through prayer and friendship.
  • Remind them they are loved, and they are special.
  • Encourage them to use the gifts God has given them, discuss the positive things they’ve done and things they’ve accomplished.

Your child will be encouraged to write you back to you, and the letter sent at your address

Remember, a word of encouragement or prayer for your child goes a long way. Thank you for taking the time to show love in this way to a child that needs so much. Please do not ask them what they need or want… the translation between cultures sends a different message to them. The best way to love them is to continue to encourage them in their school and walk with the Lord!

Your sponsorship experiences.

Here is what to expect when you decide to change a child’s life forever-

RECEIVE a photo and personal profile of the child you sponsor

PROVIDE nutritious food, clean water, education and supplies, medical care and more!

SEND letters to your child

RECEIVE regular updates on your child’s wellbeing, including a child’s hand-written letter, school notes and drawings

 You can help build a nation! Sponsor a child today!

Children who need sponsorship

Your sponsorship will allow me to: Attend school. Your gift covers my educational expenses including tuition, school supplies, food bowl, utensils, books, uniform, shoes, meals, and medical. Thank you! My father died of HIV/AIDS before I was born, and my mother cannot afford my educational needs Dreams: become a doctor. Please help me reach my dream. Thank you